Bleach: Ultimate Alien Wiki
Orignal Timeline

Powers & Abilities[]

High Spiritual Power: As a member of the Shiba family, Kūkaku possesses a high level of spiritual pressure.

Kidō Expert: Kūkaku is capable of using a level 63 Hadō, with which she defeats Higonyūdō. Kūkaku has also shown that she is able to use advanced Kidō techniques, such as "Kakaku style version 2, Kagizaki", to launch a reishūkaku (霊集核, Spirit-Gathering Core) from her Kakaku Hō (花鶴砲, Flower Crane Cannon), a Kidō-driven device.

Keen Intellect: Kūkaku has shown herself to be a rather insightful woman, able to quickly understand the situation at hand and act accordingly. She is a well-informed person, having good knowledge of events in Soul Society.

Enhanced Strength: Kūkaku is physically strong, able to simultaneously beat up both Ichigo Kurosaki and Ganju barehanded.

Fireworks Expert: Kūkaku has a knowledge of creating and using fireworks
